Today, submitted my next paper for Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics published by the UK Institute of Physics (IOP).
This is actually an invited paper asked to my professor by Professor Grandjean (Ecoles Polytechniques fédérales in Switzerland) who is guest editor for a cluster issue titled "LEDs". I met Prof Grandjien last spring who visited my laboratory just after I came back from San Francisco (for MRS conference). I am only the 2nd author, but actually, only my professor and me are the only authors. Being the 2nd is OK to me this time because the impact factor is very high. With 27 pages all in Word format (MUST be around 10-15 pages when published), it's like a sum up of everything I made this recent years on LEDs.
I'm also working for another publication which has relationship to this paper, with better result acually. This one will have me as the 1st author like usual. Alhamdulillah... banyak sungguh rezeki Allah akhir2 nih.
Minggu lepas:
Rabu: pegi tgk ISPlasma kat Meijo University. Presentation dari OSRAM dan C J Sung (ITRI Taiwan) mmg penting.
Khamis: pegi utk Monbukagakusyo/ASTF Nanotechnology Cluster. Best sgt2 presentation yg sesi pagi, dari OSRAM, ITRI dan Sangyo Shimbun (Industrial Press) tentang keadaan GaN-based LED blue/white (light emitting diode) research/industry di Europe, Taiwan dan Japan. Mmg best! Sesi petang dari Japanese LED related manufacturers, tp lebih kpd business strategy, market condition/demand, design (illumination), etc.
Malangnya... aku sorang saja anak Malaysia...