Today (Feb 18th, 2010), from 15:00 to 17:00 was my final viva for my Ph. D.
Alhamdulillah (thanks Allah (my God)), everything went so smoothly. This was actually my 4th presentation of the same slide, including in-laboratory rehearsals and previous presentation to my 3 supervisors. Actually, it's more than 4 times if all my previous international conferences are included, as each part of the entire 1 hour presentation was presented elsewhere, and already published elsewhere.
I only want to say "thank you" to all members of Egawa Laboratory (RCNDS, Nagoya Inst of Tech) for all support I received from everybody. In whatever I did, there's everybody's effort in it... from the idea, growth, characterization, process, discussions, printing, publishing, comments, helps, smiles, ... everything!
Thanks to you guys for helping me before the presentation, and the support that you gave. It was the first time in my life having people coming to greet and shake hands with me after the presentation. Having the scene made me feel so happy... didn't even have in my lifetime people called to my laboratory phone just to say "good luck". Thank you guys for helping me turning back the presentation room to its original state after the presentation. Thank you for taking so much care about me...
I wish good luck to all you guys in whatever you're doing. The entire 9 years at NIT were great, and the entire 6 years at Egawa Lab made my life rocks!
Alhamdulillah, hope that what I faced and showed along my life journey could help making your world rocks, too.
Each of us is just a small guy, in need for each other.
Thank you.
[Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Egawa, Prof. Dr. Jimbo, Prof. Dr. Sakamoto, Prof. Dr. Yasuda, Taiyo-Nippon-Sanso (Japanese largest MOCVD maker) CEO Dr. Matsumoto Koh, Toshiba/Covalent researcher Dr. Abe, RCNDS researchers Dr. Sakai, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Chen, Dr. Zhang, etc., Matsushita Denko / Panasonic Osaka researcher, Hitachi Central Research Tokyo Nanoelectronics Department Principal Researcher Dr. Tsuchiya, UBE Scientific Analysis Laboratory, Inc. (Osaka) Prof. Dr. Fujita (also Shizuoka Univ. visiting professor), my LD group members Kawai and Tanaka, my MOCVD guy Watanabe, my best LED discussion partner Zhu, my life advisor and PL expert Pum, my Ph D colleague and the best briyani cook Josphine (including her mom), the laboratory secretary and my "fund manager" Ms Watanabe, laboratory staffs Ms Kanekura and Mr Adachi, etc. Thank you all for spending your time in attending my final viva, even though to some of you, it's far from your working place. To my Ph D course colleagues Josephine, Pum, Zhu, Freedsman, Beula, and Yazid who was the only Malaysian colleague attended my presentation, it's your turn next. Hope what I showed you today is beneficial for your future. I appreciate ex-member of Jimbo Lab Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rusop (currently at UiTM) for the inspiration in semiconductor research, my senior Mr. Ohta (currently at Toshiba Semiconductor) for giving me a good start 6 years ago. Your previous effort have created many generations of great researchers! Thanks to Malaysian government for sponsoring my study, Japanese government and companies for sponsoring my research, paper/journal/dissertation publications and all the international conferences I attended, and all people related to me, especially my family who sponsored me during my hard time without money in pursuing my vision to continue into masters degree at the current laboratory 6 years ago. I appreciate everybody's effort in producing who I am now. Sorry if I missed to mention any name. Good luck to all!]