Ari nih alih2 kena present utk Silicon Device TG(Technical Group) kat NEC Silicon System Research Lab nih... cuak gak aa mase memula tuh, maklumler semer engineer power2 tak ingat tahap dewa naga jer semer. Geng2 MIT punya aa ramai... risau gak kalu die tanyer mende2 yg pelik2 sgt. Tapi Alhamdulillah, walaupun ade tergagap2 sket... kire ok aa. Mie rase present utk group nih lagi bahaye dari yg kat NEC headquarter kat Tokyo Jumaat nih... sbb diorang nih semer research engineer yg pakar semer pasal ape yg Mie buat kat sini... Mie jer la cam org bodoh present mende2 basic kat diorang. Tapi semer org start dari tak tau... dulu diorang pun jadik org bodoh gak kat MIT dulu kot... same aa. Tapi bagus aa diorang... die respect kat kite, kite pun buleh respect kat diorang.
Nih dah kol 8PM dah nih... mane la Yamamoto nih, nak balik plak nih... semalam kol 8:30PM baru balik... mlm nih takkan aa jadik cam semalam gak kot, semer dah siap semer dah nih. Slide utk present kat headquarter ari Jumaat nih pon dah siap, report utk submit kat NEC Sagamihara & skolah dah siap, borang soal-jawab utk NEC nih pon dah siap... semer tu kena settle by esok, tapi semer dah siap dah. Esok datang sini just prepare utk presentation ari Jumaat jer... hapal ayat2 penting utk present dan betulkan ape yg tak betul.
Okaylah dulu, wassalam.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Semalam buat experiment cam biase kat lab guna Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer... just tunggu non-strained Si NMOS nyer wafer tu, sbb mase awal2 datang tu die cam pelik sket, dah lebih 80000 s pun belum breakdown lagi. Lepas abis yg T=70C, buat yg T=125C start kol 1PM gitu, lepas tu sementara tunggu suhu turun utk buat yg T=30C pulak, Yamamoto ajak pegi melawat clean room yg kat NEC Electronics, dapat first class pass utk masuk semua tempat.
Memula dia ajar camner nak pakai baju puth tu... start dari pakai stokin, baju (pakai separuh badan dulu), then alas kepala, penutup kepala, mask, ... last2 skali kasut. Then, kena basuh tangan & keringkan, & minum air, sebelum pakai glove. Lepas tu, masuk aa ke clean room tu... kena masuk air shower room dulu sebelum masuk ke Class 1 Special Zone. (Ade banyak class... Class 10000, class 1000, class 30, etc)
Masuk dlm tu banyak aa tgk... memula tgk kat bahagian yg carik bahan asing kat atas wafer tu, sbb nanti bahan asing tu akan rosakkan LSI kat atas chip nanti. Then masuk bahaian WET process... CMP etc. Wafer tu kena diorang sapukan ngan Cu (Copper), jadik warna biru, lepas tu basuh aa ngan chemical solutions... sampai bersih balik. Then memacam lagi aa... peninn kepala mane satu ntah... Kat DRY process, ade ArF-Argon Fluoride (mesin paling mahal utk buat gap paling kecik antara poly-Si, SiO ngan Si), KrF-Kripton Fluoride, CVD-Chemical Vapor Deposition, Electron Beam Lithograpy, Optical Lithography, etc. Banyak sgt mende... blank beb.
Tadi tu kat level 6, ade production line semer2 kat situ. Then pegi ke level 2, ade alat2 yg lagi power utk buat up to 30nm nyer technology. Tapi diorang guna kat sini utk research jer dulu... ade gak 300mm wafer, kat atas tadi just 200mm wafer jer. Then masuk tingkat 1 tengok gas pipe & control nyer tempat, org yg masuk clean room nampak mende bersih jer... kat bawah nih banyak aa paip2 gas & wire yg diorang tak nampak.
Dlm kol 5 gitu abis aa... gi masuk office jap gi plotkan graf, then masuk ke lab balik setkan machine utk T=30C nyer TDDB Measurement. Mlm nih mesin tu gerak aa tuh... just tinggalkan camtu jer. Balik ke office balik, store data & sign out. Kuwar dlm kol 5:40PM gitu, awal sket... ok aa, penat dah sepanjang ari. Memacam mende buat.
Okay dulu... ari nih pun banyak gak mende kena buat nih, ngantuk agi... till next time, wassalam.
Memula dia ajar camner nak pakai baju puth tu... start dari pakai stokin, baju (pakai separuh badan dulu), then alas kepala, penutup kepala, mask, ... last2 skali kasut. Then, kena basuh tangan & keringkan, & minum air, sebelum pakai glove. Lepas tu, masuk aa ke clean room tu... kena masuk air shower room dulu sebelum masuk ke Class 1 Special Zone. (Ade banyak class... Class 10000, class 1000, class 30, etc)
Masuk dlm tu banyak aa tgk... memula tgk kat bahagian yg carik bahan asing kat atas wafer tu, sbb nanti bahan asing tu akan rosakkan LSI kat atas chip nanti. Then masuk bahaian WET process... CMP etc. Wafer tu kena diorang sapukan ngan Cu (Copper), jadik warna biru, lepas tu basuh aa ngan chemical solutions... sampai bersih balik. Then memacam lagi aa... peninn kepala mane satu ntah... Kat DRY process, ade ArF-Argon Fluoride (mesin paling mahal utk buat gap paling kecik antara poly-Si, SiO ngan Si), KrF-Kripton Fluoride, CVD-Chemical Vapor Deposition, Electron Beam Lithograpy, Optical Lithography, etc. Banyak sgt mende... blank beb.
Tadi tu kat level 6, ade production line semer2 kat situ. Then pegi ke level 2, ade alat2 yg lagi power utk buat up to 30nm nyer technology. Tapi diorang guna kat sini utk research jer dulu... ade gak 300mm wafer, kat atas tadi just 200mm wafer jer. Then masuk tingkat 1 tengok gas pipe & control nyer tempat, org yg masuk clean room nampak mende bersih jer... kat bawah nih banyak aa paip2 gas & wire yg diorang tak nampak.
Dlm kol 5 gitu abis aa... gi masuk office jap gi plotkan graf, then masuk ke lab balik setkan machine utk T=30C nyer TDDB Measurement. Mlm nih mesin tu gerak aa tuh... just tinggalkan camtu jer. Balik ke office balik, store data & sign out. Kuwar dlm kol 5:40PM gitu, awal sket... ok aa, penat dah sepanjang ari. Memacam mende buat.
Okay dulu... ari nih pun banyak gak mende kena buat nih, ngantuk agi... till next time, wassalam.
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Alhamdulillah... ari nih dapt gak sentuh komputer kat depan nih. Semalam ade network problem, takleh aa pulok. Ari nih start dari pagi masuk [8:30Am] langsung tak buat amende pon, just duk kat meja nih... bace buku jer pasal ULSI Technology (Oxide breakdown), strained Silicon, etc. Pagi tadi cam peniiiin gak kepala sbb banyak sgt mende pelik, dahle malam tadi tak cukup tido... kena stadi pasal MOSFET semer2. Tapi lepas makan tgh hari tadi ok sket aa.
Sesi petang nih just lepak depan kom gak... nak bace jurnal dah malas dah, kepala dah tak larat dah beb. Tadi pegi cek2 e-mail jer, tapi tak sempat nak balas ler. Oh yea, mase masuk keje kol 1PM tadi kena introduce kat semer org Silicon System Recearch Lab nih... Mogami (Lab Head) bagi tau semer org pasal Mie based on Mie nyer resume ari tuh. Lepas tu masuk bilik mesyarat tgk diorang prepare presentation utk 22 Aug nih nyer engineering seminar/symposium, sbb tu aa Yamamoto (Elect. Device PR) yg jadik supervisor Mie slalu jer ilang kot... semalam punya die sungguh2. Ari nih die subuk sesangat tu...
Nanti start kol 6:30PM nanti Electronic Device TG (technical team) nih ade buat "kangeikai" welcome party utk Mie... mmg bersungguh2 betul die nih... Mie jer yg blank tahap ayam kat sini... duk atas kerusi sampai nak tercabut belakang... bace jurnal jer dari pagi sampai petang. Sabor jer la...
Sesi petang nih just lepak depan kom gak... nak bace jurnal dah malas dah, kepala dah tak larat dah beb. Tadi pegi cek2 e-mail jer, tapi tak sempat nak balas ler. Oh yea, mase masuk keje kol 1PM tadi kena introduce kat semer org Silicon System Recearch Lab nih... Mogami (Lab Head) bagi tau semer org pasal Mie based on Mie nyer resume ari tuh. Lepas tu masuk bilik mesyarat tgk diorang prepare presentation utk 22 Aug nih nyer engineering seminar/symposium, sbb tu aa Yamamoto (Elect. Device PR) yg jadik supervisor Mie slalu jer ilang kot... semalam punya die sungguh2. Ari nih die subuk sesangat tu...
Nanti start kol 6:30PM nanti Electronic Device TG (technical team) nih ade buat "kangeikai" welcome party utk Mie... mmg bersungguh2 betul die nih... Mie jer yg blank tahap ayam kat sini... duk atas kerusi sampai nak tercabut belakang... bace jurnal jer dari pagi sampai petang. Sabor jer la...
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Sejak-2-3-menjak nih banyak betul mende yg kena buat.. peninn betul. Sebenarnyer takde aa buat banyak mende sgt pon, just kepala nih memacam pikir nak buat... tapi tak semuanya sempat nak dibuat. Rase2nyer sebab cuak nak gi intership esok aa nih. Biase aa, kepala cuak.. semer preparation mUsti siap sebelum pegi sane.
Ari nih bangun kol 1PM... hehe, tido kol 6AM nyer pasal aa nih. Nape aa slalu sgt takleh tido... risau betul. Hmm... ape dah buat ari nih yek, haa... gi gunting rambut petang tadi. Banyak aa gak abis... JPY1,890 (+-RM60). Kali nih baru kali ke-2 gunting rambut kat kedai... tapi kali nih nyer cam bagus aa jugak, pakcik tu baik. Lepas gunting, gi carik periuk... memula gi Osu Kannon, pusing2 tak jumpa... then gi carik Conan. Tahun lepas gi ngan Nafa & Ayib cam murah barang kat situ... mmg murah giller aa. Kayuh beskal jauh cam 'anak ayam' dari Osu tu... sampai ke Atsuta. Pusing2 plak carik kedai tu... ade aa 2-3 kali pusing gak... memacam jalan try, tapi tak jumpa aa. Hujan plak tu... kena berenti 'kombini' (convenient store) beli payung... abis JPY500 kat situ. Pusing2 lagi... hmm.. tak jumpa gak. Balik aa... tgh2 jalan tu pegi Jusco Atsuta tu ha. Tetiba ade gak periuk murah kat situ... dlm JPY500 jer. Aikk... same cam harga payung plak. Beli file sket... sambil borak2 ngan Osh yg tengah rehat keje kat McD situ. Dah kol 7:30PM gitu... balik aa rumah.
Nih baru jer siap semayang Isya' & ngaji Koran, kebetulan bosan tak tau nak wat mende... tulis aa blog nih dulu. Barang2 tak kemas lagi tu ha... esok kol 8:45AM dah kena duk Tsurumai-Station, sbb naik Shinkansen (bullet train) dari Nagoya-Station kol 9:20AM. Kebetulan Jenal yg dtg melawat Nagoya nih pun ade nak join pegi skali, ok aa. Die pegi Kyoto, Mie pegi Tokyo. Sampai Tokyo esok kol 11:00AM, lepas tu simpan barang jap, pegi aa jejalan dulu memane. Akihabara pun ok gak kot... jejalan... biase aa. Sengsorang jer semer... nih aa idup, sengsorang gak last skali... mati nanti pon same gak aa. Dlm kol 2:00PM gitu start aa naik ketapi pegi Kamimizo (Sagami-Line), masuk umah NEC Cosmo Hills House. Okay aa semer, kat situ ade supermarket Daie... tak jauh, so ptg tu boleh aa pegi beli makanan sket nak masak & makan.
Okay aa dulu, nak kemas barang plak nih. Jumpa lagi... maybe 2 minggu dari skarang. Wassalam.
Ari nih bangun kol 1PM... hehe, tido kol 6AM nyer pasal aa nih. Nape aa slalu sgt takleh tido... risau betul. Hmm... ape dah buat ari nih yek, haa... gi gunting rambut petang tadi. Banyak aa gak abis... JPY1,890 (+-RM60). Kali nih baru kali ke-2 gunting rambut kat kedai... tapi kali nih nyer cam bagus aa jugak, pakcik tu baik. Lepas gunting, gi carik periuk... memula gi Osu Kannon, pusing2 tak jumpa... then gi carik Conan. Tahun lepas gi ngan Nafa & Ayib cam murah barang kat situ... mmg murah giller aa. Kayuh beskal jauh cam 'anak ayam' dari Osu tu... sampai ke Atsuta. Pusing2 plak carik kedai tu... ade aa 2-3 kali pusing gak... memacam jalan try, tapi tak jumpa aa. Hujan plak tu... kena berenti 'kombini' (convenient store) beli payung... abis JPY500 kat situ. Pusing2 lagi... hmm.. tak jumpa gak. Balik aa... tgh2 jalan tu pegi Jusco Atsuta tu ha. Tetiba ade gak periuk murah kat situ... dlm JPY500 jer. Aikk... same cam harga payung plak. Beli file sket... sambil borak2 ngan Osh yg tengah rehat keje kat McD situ. Dah kol 7:30PM gitu... balik aa rumah.
Nih baru jer siap semayang Isya' & ngaji Koran, kebetulan bosan tak tau nak wat mende... tulis aa blog nih dulu. Barang2 tak kemas lagi tu ha... esok kol 8:45AM dah kena duk Tsurumai-Station, sbb naik Shinkansen (bullet train) dari Nagoya-Station kol 9:20AM. Kebetulan Jenal yg dtg melawat Nagoya nih pun ade nak join pegi skali, ok aa. Die pegi Kyoto, Mie pegi Tokyo. Sampai Tokyo esok kol 11:00AM, lepas tu simpan barang jap, pegi aa jejalan dulu memane. Akihabara pun ok gak kot... jejalan... biase aa. Sengsorang jer semer... nih aa idup, sengsorang gak last skali... mati nanti pon same gak aa. Dlm kol 2:00PM gitu start aa naik ketapi pegi Kamimizo (Sagami-Line), masuk umah NEC Cosmo Hills House. Okay aa semer, kat situ ade supermarket Daie... tak jauh, so ptg tu boleh aa pegi beli makanan sket nak masak & makan.
Okay aa dulu, nak kemas barang plak nih. Jumpa lagi... maybe 2 minggu dari skarang. Wassalam.
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Semalam balik dari Jusco, bebudak nih (Ajan, Pantrex, Seedee), [tak termasuk Kucai & Jenal yg penat baru balik dari daki gunung Fuji] dtg lepak kat bilik aku nih, layan DVD. Aku pun join skali gak aa sambil copy seedee nyer GTO (Great Techer Onizuka) nyer DiVX CD. Citer ape ntah... "9 Days" dlm tajuk Japanese dier. Lagu dlm citer tu best gak aa... mase part awek die nak pindah dari Jersey ke Seattle. Nih aa lagu die aku baru download dari WinMX ptg tadi:
All Out Of Love by Air Supply [performed by Jagged Edge for the film]
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too
But what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe
What tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know
Doesn't really know
(Chorus )
I'm all out of love , I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love , what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone
I'll be gone
(Chorus )
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of?
(Chorus (3X)
All Out Of Love by Air Supply [performed by Jagged Edge for the film]
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too
But what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe
What tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know
Doesn't really know
(Chorus )
I'm all out of love , I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love , what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone
I'll be gone
(Chorus )
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of?
(Chorus (3X)
Sunday, August 10, 2003
'You must eat the cold porridge,' he told me once during
our Tai-Chi session at Tsurumai Park. It's a Chinese
expression. Cantonese, I guess, because he was born in
Hong Kong and sometimes you could tell that all the
important things he believed were formed long ago and far
away. Like the importance of eating the cold porridge. I
stoppped what I was doing and stared at him. What was he
going on about now? 'Eat the cold porridge.' The way he
explained it, eating the cold porridge means working at
something for so long that when you get home there is
nothing left to eat but cold porridge. And I thought - who
did he share a flat with out there? Goldilocks and the
Three Bears? That's how you get good at something, he told
me. That's how you get good at anything. You eat the cold
porridge. You work at it when the others are playing. You
work at it when the others are watching television. You
work at it when the others are sleeping. To become the
master of something, you must eat the cold porridge,
Grasshopper. Actually he never call me Grasshopper. But I
always felt that he might. And I tried hard to understand.
He was my teacher as well as my friend and I always tried
to be a good student. I am trying today. But I can't help
it - somewhere along the line I took eating the cold
porridge to mean something else. Something completely
different from its Chinese meaning. Somehow I got it into
my thick head that eating the cold porridge means being in
the time of suffering. Living through hard days, months
and years because you have no choice. That's not what he
meant at all. He meant giving up comfort and pleasure for
a greater good. He meant deferring gratification for some
distant goal. Eating the cold porridge now so that you'll
have something better tomorrow, Or the day after tomorrow.
Or the day after that. It's got nothing to do with
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Eating the cold porridge -
to me it means enduring something that has to be endured.
More than that, it means missing someone. Really missing
someone. The way I miss her... He is trying to be kind. He
is a good man. Maybe this is what he really thinks. But I
don't believe a word of it. I think you can use up your
love. I think you can blow it all on one person. You can
love so much, so deeply, that there is nothing left for
anyone else. Once a day I go to call her. I've never
actually dialled the number, but I have come pretty close.
Do you think I need to look that number up? I do't even
have to remember it with my head. My fingers remember. It
can strike at any time, this urge to call her. If I'm
happy or sad or worried, I suddenly get this need to talk
to her abou it. The way we always did when we were - I
nearly said lovers, but it was that and much more. It's
just that sometimes I forget. That's all. So now I know
what I must do. I must eat the cold porridge, and fight
this overwhelming urge to reach for the phone.
our Tai-Chi session at Tsurumai Park. It's a Chinese
expression. Cantonese, I guess, because he was born in
Hong Kong and sometimes you could tell that all the
important things he believed were formed long ago and far
away. Like the importance of eating the cold porridge. I
stoppped what I was doing and stared at him. What was he
going on about now? 'Eat the cold porridge.' The way he
explained it, eating the cold porridge means working at
something for so long that when you get home there is
nothing left to eat but cold porridge. And I thought - who
did he share a flat with out there? Goldilocks and the
Three Bears? That's how you get good at something, he told
me. That's how you get good at anything. You eat the cold
porridge. You work at it when the others are playing. You
work at it when the others are watching television. You
work at it when the others are sleeping. To become the
master of something, you must eat the cold porridge,
Grasshopper. Actually he never call me Grasshopper. But I
always felt that he might. And I tried hard to understand.
He was my teacher as well as my friend and I always tried
to be a good student. I am trying today. But I can't help
it - somewhere along the line I took eating the cold
porridge to mean something else. Something completely
different from its Chinese meaning. Somehow I got it into
my thick head that eating the cold porridge means being in
the time of suffering. Living through hard days, months
and years because you have no choice. That's not what he
meant at all. He meant giving up comfort and pleasure for
a greater good. He meant deferring gratification for some
distant goal. Eating the cold porridge now so that you'll
have something better tomorrow, Or the day after tomorrow.
Or the day after that. It's got nothing to do with
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Eating the cold porridge -
to me it means enduring something that has to be endured.
More than that, it means missing someone. Really missing
someone. The way I miss her... He is trying to be kind. He
is a good man. Maybe this is what he really thinks. But I
don't believe a word of it. I think you can use up your
love. I think you can blow it all on one person. You can
love so much, so deeply, that there is nothing left for
anyone else. Once a day I go to call her. I've never
actually dialled the number, but I have come pretty close.
Do you think I need to look that number up? I do't even
have to remember it with my head. My fingers remember. It
can strike at any time, this urge to call her. If I'm
happy or sad or worried, I suddenly get this need to talk
to her abou it. The way we always did when we were - I
nearly said lovers, but it was that and much more. It's
just that sometimes I forget. That's all. So now I know
what I must do. I must eat the cold porridge, and fight
this overwhelming urge to reach for the phone.
Friday, August 08, 2003
My best BBC World news anchor..
Mishal Husain anchors the 6 and 7 pm/et newscasts, seen by a worldwide audience of over 256 million and across the United States through cable and satellite on BBC America and public television. Mishal is also a Washington correspondent for BBC News.
Mishal's family is from Pakistan but she was born in 1973 in England and grew up in the Middle East before going to boarding school at Cobham Hall in England at the age of 12. After leaving school in 1991 she had her first taste of journalism - interning at 'The News', one of Pakistan's English-language daily papers. Here she reached the dizzy heights of the 'city pages' for Islamabad - covering events in the capital and even investigating whether a 'silver' garnish on sweetmeats could cause lead poisoning. She also spent six months living in Russia - having studied Russian at school, she taught English in Moscow and had the chance to travel all over the former Soviet Union, including Uzbekistan and Georgia.
Mishal studied law at Cambridge University, graduating in 1995, and then completed a Master's in Law at the European University Institute in Florence. Her thesis was human rights issues arising from the 'temporary protection' status of Bosnian refugees in Europe. She retains a keen interest in international law and human rights.
Mishal's first job was at Bloomberg Television in London, where she spent two years and had the opportunity of on-camera work for the first time. She joined the BBC in 1988 as a producer at BBC World and then moved to the BBC's specialist Economics and Business Unit. Here she began reporting, covering anything from the markets to house prices to share options for internet entrepreneurs.
She first tried her hand at anchoring in May 2000, including a stint in Singapore as the first anchor of the new 'Asia Business Report' on BBC World. She later returned to London to co-anchor BBC World's flagship 'World Business Report', with Patrick O'Connell. On the day the New York markets re-opened after September 11th 2001, Mishal was live in Times Square, charting reaction to the terrorist attacks. A year later she would cover commemorations at the Pentagon for the one-year anniversary.
Mishal moved to the main news on BBC World in November 2001 - her first day on the job coincided with the Queens plane crash in New York and that first week also saw the fall of Kabul. Since then she's interviewed a host of high-profile figures, including the Deputy US Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy US Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Pentagon adviser Richard Perle, Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, Israel's former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Afghanistan's foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah and the NATO Secretary-General George Robertson.
More about her at:
Mishal Husain anchors the 6 and 7 pm/et newscasts, seen by a worldwide audience of over 256 million and across the United States through cable and satellite on BBC America and public television. Mishal is also a Washington correspondent for BBC News.
Mishal's family is from Pakistan but she was born in 1973 in England and grew up in the Middle East before going to boarding school at Cobham Hall in England at the age of 12. After leaving school in 1991 she had her first taste of journalism - interning at 'The News', one of Pakistan's English-language daily papers. Here she reached the dizzy heights of the 'city pages' for Islamabad - covering events in the capital and even investigating whether a 'silver' garnish on sweetmeats could cause lead poisoning. She also spent six months living in Russia - having studied Russian at school, she taught English in Moscow and had the chance to travel all over the former Soviet Union, including Uzbekistan and Georgia.
Mishal studied law at Cambridge University, graduating in 1995, and then completed a Master's in Law at the European University Institute in Florence. Her thesis was human rights issues arising from the 'temporary protection' status of Bosnian refugees in Europe. She retains a keen interest in international law and human rights.
Mishal's first job was at Bloomberg Television in London, where she spent two years and had the opportunity of on-camera work for the first time. She joined the BBC in 1988 as a producer at BBC World and then moved to the BBC's specialist Economics and Business Unit. Here she began reporting, covering anything from the markets to house prices to share options for internet entrepreneurs.
She first tried her hand at anchoring in May 2000, including a stint in Singapore as the first anchor of the new 'Asia Business Report' on BBC World. She later returned to London to co-anchor BBC World's flagship 'World Business Report', with Patrick O'Connell. On the day the New York markets re-opened after September 11th 2001, Mishal was live in Times Square, charting reaction to the terrorist attacks. A year later she would cover commemorations at the Pentagon for the one-year anniversary.
Mishal moved to the main news on BBC World in November 2001 - her first day on the job coincided with the Queens plane crash in New York and that first week also saw the fall of Kabul. Since then she's interviewed a host of high-profile figures, including the Deputy US Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy US Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Pentagon adviser Richard Perle, Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, Israel's former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Afghanistan's foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah and the NATO Secretary-General George Robertson.
More about her at:
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Ada can botak kepala balik mesia nanti eh?? berkilat, bole buat
cermin......... cerita mie ngeri2 seme.... nanti tak yah balik mesia takpe,
kerja kat sana 3,4 tahun, simpan duit kaya2, then baru balik Mesia. Dah
kaya bole le nanti kita buat JV project bisnes apa2 ke......... amacam
seme?? OK ke gitu?? Sekarang ni tempat yag paling best kat Kuantan, kat
kampus UIA yg tengah buat. Tempat tu dlm hutan, kat jin@bunian bertendang.
So kalu nak bukak related bisnes kat depan kampus tu banyak OK ooooo. Ni
abg yie tengah survey apa yg bole buat kat situi, cari tanah ke, apa ke...
ni tengah tengok2 ler ni......... duit tadak tapi.......
Anyway, all the best utk seme yg duk study. Yg dah keja, keja elok2....
Utk org yg akan graduation ceremony thsi weekend, Congrats........!!!
Sekarang ni kat MOTOROLA kawan abg yie cakap ada banyak kosong. Pls refer
to the attached message below.
Currently we have vacancies for various positions in
organization and we are looking forward to hire suitable candidates. If any
of your friends or relatives interested to apply for the positions stated
below or would like to find out more details about the vacancies, please
ask them to log on to
1. Senior Mechanical Engineer
2. Electrical Engineer
3. Program Manager
4. PCB Design Engineer
5. Software Engineer"
So sape berminat bole mintak...........
Take care seme.......
Ahmad Basri Abu Bakar
Instrument Engineer
Production Services Department
Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd
Tel: (06)3522246 Fax: (06)3522574
Ada can botak kepala balik mesia nanti eh?? berkilat, bole buat
cermin......... cerita mie ngeri2 seme.... nanti tak yah balik mesia takpe,
kerja kat sana 3,4 tahun, simpan duit kaya2, then baru balik Mesia. Dah
kaya bole le nanti kita buat JV project bisnes apa2 ke......... amacam
seme?? OK ke gitu?? Sekarang ni tempat yag paling best kat Kuantan, kat
kampus UIA yg tengah buat. Tempat tu dlm hutan, kat jin@bunian bertendang.
So kalu nak bukak related bisnes kat depan kampus tu banyak OK ooooo. Ni
abg yie tengah survey apa yg bole buat kat situi, cari tanah ke, apa ke...
ni tengah tengok2 ler ni......... duit tadak tapi.......
Anyway, all the best utk seme yg duk study. Yg dah keja, keja elok2....
Utk org yg akan graduation ceremony thsi weekend, Congrats........!!!
Sekarang ni kat MOTOROLA kawan abg yie cakap ada banyak kosong. Pls refer
to the attached message below.
Currently we have vacancies for various positions in
organization and we are looking forward to hire suitable candidates. If any
of your friends or relatives interested to apply for the positions stated
below or would like to find out more details about the vacancies, please
ask them to log on to
1. Senior Mechanical Engineer
2. Electrical Engineer
3. Program Manager
4. PCB Design Engineer
5. Software Engineer"
So sape berminat bole mintak...........
Take care seme.......
Ahmad Basri Abu Bakar
Instrument Engineer
Production Services Department
Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd
Tel: (06)3522246 Fax: (06)3522574
(1)寮 名:NECコスモヒルハウス
(2)住 所:〒229-0038
(3)電 話:042-757-9688
(4)交通機関:JR相模線 上溝駅下車 徒歩10分
(5)地 図:添付資料参照
(1)入寮日時 8月17日(日) PM 3:00
(2)退寮日時 8月30日(土) AM10:00
(1)寮 名:NECコスモヒルハウス
(2)住 所:〒229-0038
(3)電 話:042-757-9688
(4)交通機関:JR相模線 上溝駅下車 徒歩10分
(5)地 図:添付資料参照
(1)入寮日時 8月17日(日) PM 3:00
(2)退寮日時 8月30日(土) AM10:00
Assalamualaikum wbt semer,
Lamer dok dengor berita... Mie tengoh cuti summer nih, panas macanG 'gok ayanG' duk tengoh padang pasir! Giller nyer panas skarang nih.. nok lepak dumoh punG peninn.. dok tahanG, tido punG dokleh. Tu dallang rumoh, kalu keluor luor lagi aa... kalu buleh angus terus tuh! Jadi ayanG panggang terus! Dok payoh beli ayanG golek.. save duit dua posen.
Eh lupa plok.. ape kabor semer? Adik Li nyer preparation for SPM camner? Kabbo ke die kalu stadi sambil berbaring kat surau, mmg susoh aa jadiknyer. Maroh sket ke die tu, suruh die stadi kat karel kat perpustakaan betul2.. buat skema jawapan.. target betul2 ape yg bakal keluar. Dulu Mie suruh die wat soalan add-math AT LEAST 5 soalan dari setiap chapter setiap hari.. tapi dok tau aa die buat ke dok. Kabbo aa ke die.. stadi nih bukannyer bace saje, yg lebih penting dari tu tangan pun kena gerak skali. Bace satu tajuk (contohnyer fotosintesis), fahamkan, then tulis skema dlm bentuk point pasal proses fotosintesis tu. Kalu nak senang, carik soalan dlm mane2 buku tgk camane soalan yg kuwar pasal tajuk tu jugak.. penting nih sbb kite dpt target bentuk soalan yg bakal keluar. Fotosintesis tu satu proses.. so make sure tulis guna format PROSES. Ade blajar pasal format penulisan nih mase mrsm dulu. Kalu bace just INPUT jer, kalu bace ngan nulis, ade INPUT ngan OUTPUT. Nanti time xm diorang ukur kite nyer output, bukannya input, betul tak?
Ari tu banyok doh Mie cerita ngan adik Li nih... tapi yg tensennyer, seminggu lepas tu tanyer die dah buat belum.. hmm.. satu hape pun tak buat. Tapi tu 2 bulan lepas aa.. harap2 skarang die dah insaf kot. Stadi jgn anggap nok tunjuk kat org.. buat atas usaha sendirik utk diri sendirik aa, baru betul.
Alamak... terpanjang aa pulok citer pasal adik Li nih. Bukannyer ape.. risau gak kalu pikir 88 kali.. kalu pikir 0.8 kali tak aa risau maner tapi. Hmm.. ari tu Mie ade cakap pasal internship/training. Alhamdulillah, Mie dapat masuk NEC Electronics Corporation. Errkk... tapi NEC ade 192 bijik kat seluruh dunia (92 inside Japan, 102 overseas). Mie dapat masuk kilang di Sagamihara city, Kanagawa prefecture (prefecture=negeri gak aa), 30km dari Yokohama city (tempat abg Mat dulu) or 40 km dari Tokyo (downtown). Kire kawasan dekat2 Tokyo aa jugak. Alhamdulillah jugak sbb Mie dpt masuk die nyer 'Silicon System Research Center', Sagamihara Research Center (kat dlm Sagamihara production division), Sagamihara city. Mmg Mie mintak nak buat training pasal silicon kat dlm resume ari tu. Nih link utk kilang tu:
Opss.. jap jap.. utk pengetahuan kpd org bukan letrik, silicon nih kire cam pasir gak aa (pasir=silicon dioxide), org guna utk buat semiconductor devices macam computer processors, ICs, sensors, etc. Selain silicon, org guna gak GaAs (galium arsenide -->LED), germanium, InP-->solar cells, etc.. banyak aa.. depend kpd device yg diorang buat. Tapi skarang nih, silicon paling banyak org guna sbb characteristics die paling best & murah. Silicon (group IV) nih penebat (tak ngalirkan elektrik) tapi buleh "dope" (hmm... kire macam campur aa) ngan Boron (group III) atau Phosporus (group V) utk buat P-type ("hole" is the major carrier) or N-type ("electron" is the major carrier) semiconductor. Wahh... buleh bukak kelas semiconductor nih. Pengenalan je tu.. best gak kalu adik Sani/Li/Ilmi/Solihin buleh join skali bidang nih.. menarik tau.. gaji pun besar sbb kat Malaysia takde sgt org dlm bidang nih.
Mie mintak masuk silicon nih sbb ari tu pikir nak join research buat pasal carbon-based photovoltaic solar cell utk research tahun depan. Carbon nih kire next generation semiconductor, sejak dulu sampai skarang org still buat research lagi.. sebab die nyer "electron spin" (pusingan elektron kat dlm atom) lagi kompleks dari silicon walaupun duk dlm group sama (group IV) kat dlm jadul berkala. So, utk mudahkan Mie nyer understandings utk tahun depan.. tahun nih Mie buat silicon dulu.. hehe. Tapi utk tahun depan nyer research tak sure lagi aa, maybe Mie masuk GaAs gak sbb Mie ade member dari India wat PhD kat lab tu.. senang sket nak mintak tulun. Member Mie (Mat Rusop) yg dulu wat PhD ngan Post Doc. kat lab carbon tu balik bulan 9 nih, tu yg buat Mie risau tuh sbb takut takde org satu lab yg buleh mintak tulun. Ape2 pon... tak kesah pun mane2... Mie ok jer memane, asalkan semiconductor dahle.
Berbalik kpd training tadi, mende tu start on Aug 18th (Mon) till 29th (Fri). Hari pertama tu Mie pegi NEC headquarter kat Minato-ku, Tokyo. Kena kumpul kat situ dulu, ade briefing semer kot. Then, diorang bawak aa pegi kilang.. ade banyak kilang sekeliling Tokyo/Kawasaki/Yokohama/Sagamihara tu... sebijik ade aa saiz petronas refinery nyer kilang gak. Mie duk asrama kat depan kilang Sagamihara tu. Makan tgh hari maybe free jer kot kat kilang, tapi makan petang kena guna duit sendirik kat asrama nyer dining hall. Tapi pasal duit semer no problem sbb diorang bagi gaji... takde aa banyak mane sgt gaji nih, tapi paling banyak compared ngan kawan Mie yg dpt Sharp / Misubishi Motors / Mitsubishi Electric / Matsushita. Mie dapat 2 kali ganda diorang... Alhamdulillah. Tapi Mie buat keje 8 kali ganda kompleks dari diorang... wat experiment jer tetiap hari, blajar control machine, masuk "clean room" (=bilik bersih utk semiconductor fabrication, takleh ade debu walau sebijik pon kat dlm nih) semer2 tuh. Biase aa kot. Hari terakhir kena report & present kat diorang ape yg dah buat kat situ. Balik ke sekolah bulan September nanti kena antar report & present kat skolah pulak.
Okaylah dulu guys n gals semer.. dah kol 7 pagi dah, nak sambung tido plak. Baru 2 jam jer tido sebelum Subuh tadi. Ade kelapangan Insyaallah Mie citer lagi.. good luck semer yek. Doa2kan Mie yek, harap2 buleh survive kat sane sesame ngan bebudak power dari Tokyo Univ., Waseda univ., Keio univ. semer2 tuh. Bye & Wassalam.
Lamer dok dengor berita... Mie tengoh cuti summer nih, panas macanG 'gok ayanG' duk tengoh padang pasir! Giller nyer panas skarang nih.. nok lepak dumoh punG peninn.. dok tahanG, tido punG dokleh. Tu dallang rumoh, kalu keluor luor lagi aa... kalu buleh angus terus tuh! Jadi ayanG panggang terus! Dok payoh beli ayanG golek.. save duit dua posen.
Eh lupa plok.. ape kabor semer? Adik Li nyer preparation for SPM camner? Kabbo ke die kalu stadi sambil berbaring kat surau, mmg susoh aa jadiknyer. Maroh sket ke die tu, suruh die stadi kat karel kat perpustakaan betul2.. buat skema jawapan.. target betul2 ape yg bakal keluar. Dulu Mie suruh die wat soalan add-math AT LEAST 5 soalan dari setiap chapter setiap hari.. tapi dok tau aa die buat ke dok. Kabbo aa ke die.. stadi nih bukannyer bace saje, yg lebih penting dari tu tangan pun kena gerak skali. Bace satu tajuk (contohnyer fotosintesis), fahamkan, then tulis skema dlm bentuk point pasal proses fotosintesis tu. Kalu nak senang, carik soalan dlm mane2 buku tgk camane soalan yg kuwar pasal tajuk tu jugak.. penting nih sbb kite dpt target bentuk soalan yg bakal keluar. Fotosintesis tu satu proses.. so make sure tulis guna format PROSES. Ade blajar pasal format penulisan nih mase mrsm dulu. Kalu bace just INPUT jer, kalu bace ngan nulis, ade INPUT ngan OUTPUT. Nanti time xm diorang ukur kite nyer output, bukannya input, betul tak?
Ari tu banyok doh Mie cerita ngan adik Li nih... tapi yg tensennyer, seminggu lepas tu tanyer die dah buat belum.. hmm.. satu hape pun tak buat. Tapi tu 2 bulan lepas aa.. harap2 skarang die dah insaf kot. Stadi jgn anggap nok tunjuk kat org.. buat atas usaha sendirik utk diri sendirik aa, baru betul.
Alamak... terpanjang aa pulok citer pasal adik Li nih. Bukannyer ape.. risau gak kalu pikir 88 kali.. kalu pikir 0.8 kali tak aa risau maner tapi. Hmm.. ari tu Mie ade cakap pasal internship/training. Alhamdulillah, Mie dapat masuk NEC Electronics Corporation. Errkk... tapi NEC ade 192 bijik kat seluruh dunia (92 inside Japan, 102 overseas). Mie dapat masuk kilang di Sagamihara city, Kanagawa prefecture (prefecture=negeri gak aa), 30km dari Yokohama city (tempat abg Mat dulu) or 40 km dari Tokyo (downtown). Kire kawasan dekat2 Tokyo aa jugak. Alhamdulillah jugak sbb Mie dpt masuk die nyer 'Silicon System Research Center', Sagamihara Research Center (kat dlm Sagamihara production division), Sagamihara city. Mmg Mie mintak nak buat training pasal silicon kat dlm resume ari tu. Nih link utk kilang tu:
Opss.. jap jap.. utk pengetahuan kpd org bukan letrik, silicon nih kire cam pasir gak aa (pasir=silicon dioxide), org guna utk buat semiconductor devices macam computer processors, ICs, sensors, etc. Selain silicon, org guna gak GaAs (galium arsenide -->LED), germanium, InP-->solar cells, etc.. banyak aa.. depend kpd device yg diorang buat. Tapi skarang nih, silicon paling banyak org guna sbb characteristics die paling best & murah. Silicon (group IV) nih penebat (tak ngalirkan elektrik) tapi buleh "dope" (hmm... kire macam campur aa) ngan Boron (group III) atau Phosporus (group V) utk buat P-type ("hole" is the major carrier) or N-type ("electron" is the major carrier) semiconductor. Wahh... buleh bukak kelas semiconductor nih. Pengenalan je tu.. best gak kalu adik Sani/Li/Ilmi/Solihin buleh join skali bidang nih.. menarik tau.. gaji pun besar sbb kat Malaysia takde sgt org dlm bidang nih.
Mie mintak masuk silicon nih sbb ari tu pikir nak join research buat pasal carbon-based photovoltaic solar cell utk research tahun depan. Carbon nih kire next generation semiconductor, sejak dulu sampai skarang org still buat research lagi.. sebab die nyer "electron spin" (pusingan elektron kat dlm atom) lagi kompleks dari silicon walaupun duk dlm group sama (group IV) kat dlm jadul berkala. So, utk mudahkan Mie nyer understandings utk tahun depan.. tahun nih Mie buat silicon dulu.. hehe. Tapi utk tahun depan nyer research tak sure lagi aa, maybe Mie masuk GaAs gak sbb Mie ade member dari India wat PhD kat lab tu.. senang sket nak mintak tulun. Member Mie (Mat Rusop) yg dulu wat PhD ngan Post Doc. kat lab carbon tu balik bulan 9 nih, tu yg buat Mie risau tuh sbb takut takde org satu lab yg buleh mintak tulun. Ape2 pon... tak kesah pun mane2... Mie ok jer memane, asalkan semiconductor dahle.
Berbalik kpd training tadi, mende tu start on Aug 18th (Mon) till 29th (Fri). Hari pertama tu Mie pegi NEC headquarter kat Minato-ku, Tokyo. Kena kumpul kat situ dulu, ade briefing semer kot. Then, diorang bawak aa pegi kilang.. ade banyak kilang sekeliling Tokyo/Kawasaki/Yokohama/Sagamihara tu... sebijik ade aa saiz petronas refinery nyer kilang gak. Mie duk asrama kat depan kilang Sagamihara tu. Makan tgh hari maybe free jer kot kat kilang, tapi makan petang kena guna duit sendirik kat asrama nyer dining hall. Tapi pasal duit semer no problem sbb diorang bagi gaji... takde aa banyak mane sgt gaji nih, tapi paling banyak compared ngan kawan Mie yg dpt Sharp / Misubishi Motors / Mitsubishi Electric / Matsushita. Mie dapat 2 kali ganda diorang... Alhamdulillah. Tapi Mie buat keje 8 kali ganda kompleks dari diorang... wat experiment jer tetiap hari, blajar control machine, masuk "clean room" (=bilik bersih utk semiconductor fabrication, takleh ade debu walau sebijik pon kat dlm nih) semer2 tuh. Biase aa kot. Hari terakhir kena report & present kat diorang ape yg dah buat kat situ. Balik ke sekolah bulan September nanti kena antar report & present kat skolah pulak.
Okaylah dulu guys n gals semer.. dah kol 7 pagi dah, nak sambung tido plak. Baru 2 jam jer tido sebelum Subuh tadi. Ade kelapangan Insyaallah Mie citer lagi.. good luck semer yek. Doa2kan Mie yek, harap2 buleh survive kat sane sesame ngan bebudak power dari Tokyo Univ., Waseda univ., Keio univ. semer2 tuh. Bye & Wassalam.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Tak buat mende sgt semalam. Bangun tido pun dah agak petang gak.. masuk Maghrib jer, KM ngan Apit datang. Sure diorang tgh boring tahap dewa naga cam aku gak aa tuh! Maklumler, sape jer yg tinggal kat Nagoya nih... aku, Kucai, KM, Apit ngan Shapa jer. Dari tempat yb buleh dikatakan 'kampung Melayu' kat Jepun nih.. skarang nih jadik tingggal 5 org jer. Semer budak lain ade keje... ade gi internship, ade gi IPIJ kat Nagaoka tuh, yg lain plak gi jejalan Malaysia ngan umah member2 diorang kat seluruh Jepun nih... tinggal bebudak nih (termasuk aku) yg duk 'berasap' kat sini.
Dah abis semayang Maghrib berjamaah.. start tgk citer "Boku dake no Madonna" (My only Madonna). Lepas tu, ape lagi.. pasang citer Laila Isabella. Aku pun join gak aa tgk skali, ntah kali ke-brape ntah... dah kali ke-18 kot! Tgk reramai pun best gak.. banyak sket komen bebudak nih, selama nih tgk ngan Kucai n sengsorang jer.. cam busan gak aa.
Nih tak tido laie nih, takleh tido nyer pasal.. lepak2 tgk friendster, lepas tu cek2 blog nih. Tulih aa ape2 dulu. Bye.
Dah abis semayang Maghrib berjamaah.. start tgk citer "Boku dake no Madonna" (My only Madonna). Lepas tu, ape lagi.. pasang citer Laila Isabella. Aku pun join gak aa tgk skali, ntah kali ke-brape ntah... dah kali ke-18 kot! Tgk reramai pun best gak.. banyak sket komen bebudak nih, selama nih tgk ngan Kucai n sengsorang jer.. cam busan gak aa.
Nih tak tido laie nih, takleh tido nyer pasal.. lepak2 tgk friendster, lepas tu cek2 blog nih. Tulih aa ape2 dulu. Bye.
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Alhamdulillah, kejap tadi baru jer abis transfer ke server baru. Stakat test jap tadi... semer dah jalan dgn normal. Tapi tak tau gak lagi semernyer... sbb banyak lagi modules yg belum di test. Ape2 Alhamdulillah... support dari tu pun bagus, thanxs Mr Robert P.
Ari nih tak wat mende sgt pon.. tido jer mannjang sbb takleh tido lepas Subuh semalam. Kol 10AM lebih baru start nak tido... alih2 kol 4 baru bangun tu haa... ape nak jadik nih????! Semayang Zohor pun ntah ke mana... aii.. rosak.. rosak.
Malam tadi Ja reply e-mail tu... patut aa lamer sangat tak dengar berita, sibuk 22 jam rupenyer... sian dengar, tido 2 jam jer sehari. Sibuk sgt sgt final year project die. Gambatte yek Ja... Mie doakan sokmo utk Ja... "To see a rainbow is to look through the rain". Miss U much!
Ari nih tak wat mende sgt pon.. tido jer mannjang sbb takleh tido lepas Subuh semalam. Kol 10AM lebih baru start nak tido... alih2 kol 4 baru bangun tu haa... ape nak jadik nih????! Semayang Zohor pun ntah ke mana... aii.. rosak.. rosak.
Malam tadi Ja reply e-mail tu... patut aa lamer sangat tak dengar berita, sibuk 22 jam rupenyer... sian dengar, tido 2 jam jer sehari. Sibuk sgt sgt final year project die. Gambatte yek Ja... Mie doakan sokmo utk Ja... "To see a rainbow is to look through the rain". Miss U much!
Friday, August 01, 2003
Alhamdulillah, sampai gak hajat aku nak tulih e-mail utk Ja. Alhamdulillah jugak sbb kad yg aku hantar kat Ja hari Khamis lepas dah sampai kelmarin (30 Jul). Dah lama aa jugak tak antar e-mail kat Ja (iye ke? bukan baru seminggu?) Alah.. seminggu kire dah lama gak aa.. ape daa. Tapi ape2 pun, takyah aa aku tulih kat sini banyak sgt pasal tu.. ntah sape2 aa bace blog aku nih. Bukannya aku suka sgt org tau pasal aku nyer private life. Kalu pasal mende2 yg aku wat ngan member2 tu buleh aa citer kat sini, betul tak nko? (Sbb nko bace aku nyer blog nih aa aku terpaksa limitkan aku nyer creativity. Salah sape? Semer salah nko :P )
Smalam aku Hirabari.. gi wat lesen mandu. Sebenarnyer just transfer lesen Malaysia aku ke lesen Jepun, exactly speaking aa. Alhamdulillah, knowledge test lepas with flying colors. Takde aa best sgt... just 90% jer. Silap pasal anak panah ke kanan nyer pasal aa nih.. tak tgk gambar signboard tu betul2.. apa daa. Tapi ape2 pun lepas aa. Tu jer yg semer org nak. Time dpt result tu die tulih 28 Aug nih test mandu plak.. tapi sori aa, tarikh tu aku tgh intership kat Kawasaki aa. Tgk aa.. nanti aku call balik aa ubah tarikh, maybe buat Sep 4th nanti. Tapi tgk aa jugak aku sibuk ke tidak mase tu. Kalu takleh lagi.. masuk cuti winter nanti baru aku buleh buat kot. Susah betul aa... takde cuti aa.
Mlm tadi lepas bace Yasin dan settlekan Isya', aku kuwar gi Jusco Yagoto ngan tiket one day free pass for Subway & City Bus yg aku beli mase nak gi Hirabari pagi tadi. Bali aa kemeja 2 lai lagi.. diorng wat clearance sale. Hajat asal nak pegi beli slacks.. tapi suwar slack kat situ mahal ler.. dahle tak best. Susah gak nak gi internship nih.. takde pakaian rasmi ler, puas dah aku selongkar almari. Akhirnya terpakse aa melabur sket beli pakaian yg sesuai. Nanti dah pertengahaan bulan nanti aku gi tgk2 agi aa.. diorang potong lagi kot harga. Mase balik tu beli aiskrim Turki yg buleh memanjang tu.. best nyer! Lagipun mmg aku lapor cam anak ayam baru lepas kuwar telur jer. Bali gak aa roti 3 bijik kat kedai roti situ.. semer jadik half-priced sbb dah nak kol 11 mase tu. Kedai dah nak tutup beb. Lepas tu, lapar nyer pasal.. aku habiskan mase lepak nunggu subway n time dlm gerabak menikmati eskrim yg aku suke sgt tu. Nikmatnyer...
Balik umah tgk citer Rasuk ngan Kucai yg abg Wan post sampai sini semalam. Busan gak aa... abis jer citer... Zzzzz...
Smalam aku Hirabari.. gi wat lesen mandu. Sebenarnyer just transfer lesen Malaysia aku ke lesen Jepun, exactly speaking aa. Alhamdulillah, knowledge test lepas with flying colors. Takde aa best sgt... just 90% jer. Silap pasal anak panah ke kanan nyer pasal aa nih.. tak tgk gambar signboard tu betul2.. apa daa. Tapi ape2 pun lepas aa. Tu jer yg semer org nak. Time dpt result tu die tulih 28 Aug nih test mandu plak.. tapi sori aa, tarikh tu aku tgh intership kat Kawasaki aa. Tgk aa.. nanti aku call balik aa ubah tarikh, maybe buat Sep 4th nanti. Tapi tgk aa jugak aku sibuk ke tidak mase tu. Kalu takleh lagi.. masuk cuti winter nanti baru aku buleh buat kot. Susah betul aa... takde cuti aa.
Mlm tadi lepas bace Yasin dan settlekan Isya', aku kuwar gi Jusco Yagoto ngan tiket one day free pass for Subway & City Bus yg aku beli mase nak gi Hirabari pagi tadi. Bali aa kemeja 2 lai lagi.. diorng wat clearance sale. Hajat asal nak pegi beli slacks.. tapi suwar slack kat situ mahal ler.. dahle tak best. Susah gak nak gi internship nih.. takde pakaian rasmi ler, puas dah aku selongkar almari. Akhirnya terpakse aa melabur sket beli pakaian yg sesuai. Nanti dah pertengahaan bulan nanti aku gi tgk2 agi aa.. diorang potong lagi kot harga. Mase balik tu beli aiskrim Turki yg buleh memanjang tu.. best nyer! Lagipun mmg aku lapor cam anak ayam baru lepas kuwar telur jer. Bali gak aa roti 3 bijik kat kedai roti situ.. semer jadik half-priced sbb dah nak kol 11 mase tu. Kedai dah nak tutup beb. Lepas tu, lapar nyer pasal.. aku habiskan mase lepak nunggu subway n time dlm gerabak menikmati eskrim yg aku suke sgt tu. Nikmatnyer...
Balik umah tgk citer Rasuk ngan Kucai yg abg Wan post sampai sini semalam. Busan gak aa... abis jer citer... Zzzzz...